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Lip Blush   |   July 15, 2024

Lip Blush Healing Process: Everything You Need to Know About Lip Blush

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Ever wish you could have naturally fresh and plump lips as soon as you wake up? It would surely be amazing not to worry much about retouching or staining your teeth and clothes with lip products. If you’ve been nodding along, lip blush may be the ideal lip treatment for you. It’s also an option worth exploring if you want to colour-correct your lips.

Lip blush, also known as lip tattooing, is a semi-permanent makeup or cosmetic treatment that makes your lips look fuller by enhancing their symmetry and definition. It involves depositing pigment or ink into your lips to improve their shape and enrich their colour, stimulating collagen production in the process to add to their fullness.

At BROWZ, we offer lip blush for clients to feel more confident about their pout. You’re also in good hands, as our highly skilled team always strives to deliver natural-looking and lasting results. Learn more about the lip blush healing process to prolong its effects.

Lip Blush vs. Fillers: The Difference Explained

Lip blush and lip fillers can both make your lips look fuller. However, they’re entirely separate treatments for different lip goals. Lip blush gives the impression or illusion of fullness by depositing pigment in your lips to make your lip line more prominent and its colour more vibrant or deeper. On the other hand, lip fillers involve injecting hyaluronic acid in gel form to add volume and tailor or augment the shape of lips.

How Does Lip Blush Work?

Similar to the process of brow microblading, lip blush involves making tiny cuts and utilising a small mechanical needle to fill them in with pigments or ink in your lips and along your lip line.

Unlike conventional tattooing, which is intended to be permanent, lip blush is designed to fade after 2 to 3 years or longer with proper care. Instead of using stronger or more potent ink and implanting it in deep skin layers, our skilled artists carefully apply pigment only on the upper layers of the lip to offer a softer and very natural effect.

At BROWZ, our expert technicians have mastered the control of the handheld device for lip blush. You can trust their precise hand movement and dotting techniques to make your lips appear symmetrical, even-toned, naturally tinted, and fuller.

What to Expect During Lip Blush Session


At BROWZ, our artists conduct a thorough consultation to determine the ideal colour or correction plan best suited for every client’s lip and skin tone to achieve their desired results. Please inform us if you’ve had other cosmetic treatments in the area 4 weeks prior. We also encourage you to bring your favourite everyday lipstick so we can do our best to match its shade.


Lip blush sessions usually last 1 to 2 hours, seperate to your consultation. The duration depends on the your lip goals and whether it’s your first application. Succeeding sessions or touch-ups may take less time.

  1. As a precautionary measure, we advise clients to consult their healthcare provider and ask if they need to take any anti-viral medications. Also, ask if you can discontinue or seek alternative options for medication with blood-thinning agents.

  2. Keep your lips moisturised by increasing water intake and refraining from applying lipstick 3 days before your session. Use a hydrating lip balm instead.

  3. Eat before your lip blush appointment since you may be asked to fast for a few hours or avoid certain foods afterwards.

  4. Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine 24 hours before your lip blush session.

  5. Show up for your appointment with bare lips–no cosmetic products.


Expect our expert artists to:

  1. Prep and clean your lips.

  2. While lip blush is generally painless, we apply a topical anaesthetic to minimise any discomfort, which takes about 20 minutes to take effect.

  3. While waiting, we’ll draw an outline over your lips to serve as a guide and show you the customised lip shade for your approval.

  4. We’ll use the lip blush handheld device to deposit pigment into the upper layers of your lips.

  5. We may make multiple passes over a particular area until we achieve an even lip tone, just as you envisioned.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for Lip Blush?

The ideal candidate for lip blush is someone who:

  • likes the effect of a good lip tint without having to apply or retouch now and then.

  • are tired of lip products accidentally smudging on teeth or clothes.

  • wants to improve the symmetry of their lips.

  • hopes to enrich or correct the colour of their lips

  • prefers to have fuller-looking lips without injectatble treatments.

Lip Blush Healing Process

  • Slight swelling and redness on the lips are normal after a lip blush session and should subside within a few days.

  • Immediately after treatment, the colour of your lips may appear super intense or vibrant, but do not worry; it will fade by about 30 to 50 per cent and beautifully blend with your natural lip colour once healed.

  • Your lips may be sensitive and tender a few hours after the procedure, so part of our aftercare instructions is to refrain from eating or drinking hot, salty, and spicy food and beverages.

  • You may feel your lips itching or drying for a few days, but it is crucial that you avoid touching or picking at the treated area.

  • Once the swelling settles, you’ll notice your lips look fuller and plumper.

  • After five weeks or so, we’ll arrange a follow-up session to assess the healing and colouring of your lips and touch up any areas that need it.

Lip Blush Aftercare

For optimal and lasting results, follow our aftercare instructions to facilitate a smooth and healthy lip blush healing process:

  • Refrain from touching or picking your lips for 24 hours after treatment to prevent infection and scabbing.

  • Once 24 hours have passed, gently clean treated lips with warm water and use mild, fragrance-free soap or cleanser. Then, pat dry with a fresh towel.

  • Using a clean cotton swab or finger, apply a thin and even layer of the recommended topical ointment after washing your lips.

  • Abstain from hot, spicy, and salty food and beverages for a few days after treatment, as they may cause discomfort or irritate the lips.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure as well as tanning beds for at least 7 days to minimise the probability of fading or irritation.

  • Try your best not to sweat excessively or engage in any strenuous physical activity for at least 24 hours to prevent infection and fading.

  • Avoid putting on any lip makeup for 7 days and only use new and clean lip products thereafter.

  • Ensure your lips are hydrated by drinking plenty of water and remembering to apply lip balm to speed up the lip blush healing process.

Final Thoughts on the Lip Blush

Lip blush is proving to be more than just a trend in the beauty industry, as it gives the impression of fuller lips without the need for injectables. It is a semi-permanent makeup similar to brow microblading.

Lip blush delivers a natural-looking symmetrical pout. It is a cosmetic treatment that will redefine the shape of your lips and embolden their colour just like your favourite lipstick would. Only this time, you will not have to retouch lip products every so often or worry about lip stains on teeth and clothes.

The lip blush healing process may take some time, but the results are absolutely worth it. You can enjoy plump and even-coloured lips for more or less 2 to 3 years before needing a touch-up.

At BROWZ, we offer a tranquil space where you can indulge in personalised self-care and beauty services for your face and body, including lip blush. You can trust the expertise and attention to detail of our artists and therapists. Rest assured, they’ve mastered the precise hand movements and dotting techniques to deliver your desired results.

Posted By Sophia

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