August 05, 2019

Get Your Celebrity Look With The Art Of Microblading

Get Your Celebrity Look With The Art Of Microblading

Back in the day, we used to come across models who would use ink or other modes to darken their thin, sparse eyebrows. But that never used to work out for the best. Usually, it ends up giving a very made-up look which gives out a finish that is quite not suitable for your face. 

But now, worries can be pushed aside with the invention of microblading by making this a valuable option to enhance your eyebrows. Have you always found it difficult to thicken your brows with the help of any other means, without it looking artificial? Then microblading can be your wisest option to get those eyebrows you’ve always wanted. But before getting them, let us give you a brief about how this amazing technology gives you a celebrity finish:

It’s Not Scary

Sometimes, people end up backing out when they hear the word ‘microblading’ making them imagine a bunch of blades working through their sensitive eyebrows. But it has nothing to do with the name. This technique isn’t scary at all. They use a handheld device that consists of tiny needles that carry a pigment that gets immersed into your skin. 

It’s Safe

It’s common to consider a lot of options before going ahead with anything that’s happening to your face. But you can remain worry-free about microblading, as it’s extremely safe for your eyebrows and doesn’t really have any side effects. They immerse the ink in such a way that it looks like your actual hair, by mimicking hair-like strokes. This idea is used to give your eyebrows a completely natural look. Some people get scared about the ink that has been used in the process, but there's nothing to worry about as it’s all completely hygienic.

It isn’t a Tattoo

Yes, there are a whole set of people who refrain from getting their eyebrows filled because of constant fear instilled in them. This is completely wrong because tattooing uses a different element which is way different from microblading. People get confused between these two because microblading and tattooing seem similar, in many ways.

Tattooing usually takes more than 2-3 years to fade whereas microblading lasts only for 18 months and will need retouching once every few months, as it’s based on sessions. 

How Does It Work

It’s solely based on the technician about the duration of the entire procedure. Sometimes it may take one to two hours to get it done with. They will first rub a numbing cream on your eyebrows and leaves it on for a few minutes so that there won’t be any pain felt during the process. The technician will, later on, remove it after the area is numb. After this, she evaluates the shape of your face and considers which eyebrow shape suits the best for your face. After the shape is decided, she draws a rough sketch on your eyebrows, and later on, fills them in with tiny hair-like strokes with the help of the tiny needles. 

After the whole microblading process is done, the technician will ask you to come back in six weeks to get a retouch done. Be patient with your eyebrows as everything will take time. If you’re happy with how your eyebrows look, get back to us at our eyebrow clinic in Dubai to get it retouched. 

by Michele Barclay